Friday, 7 December 2012

Youtube: My Favorite Channels #1

Ingredients for a perfect lazy day:
- an XL cup of green tea
- a (healthy) snack
- sitting on the couch with a blanket
- youtube

One of my favourite things to do when I'm home is watching videos on Youtube, I don't know why exactly but I find it very relaxing. My personal favourites are the make up tutorials, health & work out videos and the daily vlogs. I'd like to share with you some of my favourite make up related channels.

#1. Pixiwoo
I first heard about these two make up geniuses in 2009. I was 19 and interested in make up but I wasn't any good at it. I think the only other thing besides the standard mascara, concealer and foundation I knew how to do was applying liquid liner.

The Pixiwoo sisters, Sam(antha) and Nic(ola) are professional make up artists from England.
They basically taught me everything; from a creating a flawless face and contouring to smokey eyes and the difference between make up brushes. Sam has worked together with Real Techniques and produced her own brush collection. I bought the Core collection and the Starter Set and I can highly recommend them, great value for money.

Pixiwoo also do brilliant celebrity inspired videos. Like I said, they're make up geniuses.

#2. Pixi2woo
Don't let the name confuse you! Make up artist Tanya Burr is the girlfriend of Pixiwoo's younger brother. If I recall correctly, Sam from Pixiwoo created Tanya's Youtube account and named it Pixi2woo. I got to know Tanya's channel through the Pixiwoo girls and have been following her ever since. She makes lovely looks, the quality of her videos are excellent and I think she is a very nice person to watch and listen too. As I have a similar eye shape to Tanya I know that the look she creates on her own eye will work on mine too, yet another reason for me to love her. Girls with (slightly) hooded eyes, make sure you have a look at her videos.

Tanya also has a vlogs and hauls channel, December 1st she started vlogging every day until Christmas. All you Christmas lovers out there, click here and get addicted.

#3. Lisa Eldridge

If the Pixiwoo girls are make up geniuses, Lisa Eldridge is a make up magician. This is the first video I ever saw from her and I still can't believe how she did it. Lisa makes great looks on her models as well as on herself. Her videos about make up removal, organizing are very inspiring. Because of her I am now a (thankful) Bioderma addict. After seeing her video about her beauty regime during long haul flights I started to take better care of my skin while travelling and I really noticed a difference afterwards. Just like last year, she filmed an amazing gift guide video for Christmas. This year she divided all the gifts into categories, per age group and type of person. I have already watched it multiple times as it really is helpful when you're looking for a beauty product to give or receive.

Let me know in the comments what your favourite youtube channels are. You don't have to stick to make up!

Stay tuned for #2.

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