Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Foodie: Triple chocolate cookies.

On Monday I once again found myself in the kitchen baking a sweet treat. I decided to bake the triple chocolate cookies featured on vivannadoesmakeup's blog and in Tanya Burr's (pixi2woo on youtube) vlog. I thought they looked absolutely amazing and perfect for a girly weekend. Keeping in mind that I'm going to have a very girly weekend about a month from now, I decided to give them a try.

Just like last time when I made the skinny chicken korma, I took some pictures of the process to give you a clear idea of it.

The ingredients:
200gr unsalted butter (room temperature)
300gr caster sugar
1 large egg
275gr self-raising flour
3 bars of chocolate (1 white, 1 milk, 1 dark)
75gr cocoa powder
a bit of milk
The process:
Preheat your oven on 220°C (or 200°C if you have a non fan oven)
Mix the butter and the sugar until you have a creamy consistency.
Add the egg and mix it in.

Add all of the dry ingredients and a splash of milk.
Scoop the mixture into 12 hand size balls divided over two trays lined with baking paper.

Pop them into the oven for 10 minutes.

Let them cool down and stiffen for 30 minutes.
Final thoughts:
It was an easy recipe to follow, which is always a plus in my book. They taste absolutely amazing but certainly don't look like the ones Vivanna and Tanya made. This is because whilst I was making the cookies I realised I had only one baking tray. I decided to make them a bit bigger than what I would normally do. I will definitely make them for my girly weekend, but I will make two batches instead of one big one.
I hope this was helpful :) While you also give them a go? xx

1 comment:

Chelles Blog said...

Dit ziet er zo lekker uit! Leuke blog heb je. -x